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If given the choice, most designers and purchasers of streetscape products would prefer to include some sort of framing around their decorative traffic signs. Most agree it’s sharper looking, more classy, denotes character, increases stability, is easier for the public to see, etc. – pick your descriptor. Let’s face it: when you include a cast aluminum sign frame, an ordinary traffic sign is transformed into a handsome decorative or ornamental traffic sign.

At Capital StreetScapes, we realize that most customers would prefer to have decorative sign frames, so we offer two different versions to suit differing tastes and accommodate most budgets. The first, of course, is an actual cast aluminum sign frame that has many of the same features as a picture frame. It has a decorative, three-dimensional, stylish border that’s about one inch thick. The body of the sign frame, which is powder coated black, is rigid with an internal “skeleton” that attaches to the pole, providing overall stability and durability while helping to protect the sign.

For stylistic or financial reasons, however, some customers may want many of the same features of a decorative sign frame but choose instead what we call our “faux trim”. The faux trim look is created by adding an aluminum backer that’s powder coated black and is sized to be both two inches wider and taller than the sign it frames. When placed behind the traffic sign, the result is a one-inch black border around the sign’s perimeter, and then both the sign and backer are bolted to the decorative sign post. This approach visually frames the sign, provides increased rigidity and stability with a sleeker effect than the ornamental sign frame, and costs less.

So either way you go, we’ve got the signage solutions you’re looking for. Give us a call!