We’ve talked a lot on this blog about how our products are impactful and useful at places like HOAs and college campuses. But our products serve another major use in urban developments and shopping centers. For instance, all over the country you'll see new mixed use developments—hot up and coming restaurants blended with loft-style apartments and fitness centers. In essence, these “town center” style shopping centers are the perfect way to collaborate with Capital Streetscapes. Gone are the days of the neutral, tired strip mall. Today, engineers and architects are looking for ways to breathe new, creative life into living and shopping spaces. Through the use of decorative street signs and decorate sign posts, a space can be transformed into a creative focal point for the navigation of these centers. Being able to clearly navigate these areas is important, and our custom wayfinding signs never compromise good looks with functionality. In order to make your shopping center stand apart from the crowd, there has to be something that sets it apart from every other one. We are always making sure that our products beat the functionality test as well as keeping in mind how important it is for them to look great. Our antique reproduction ornamental signs are the perfect way to jazz up multi-use shopping and living spaces. Another benefit to keep in mind when working with Capital Streetscapes on a project like this is the ability for us to be able to work together to make sure you are meeting municipal requirements. Choose between several different types of aluminum decorative sign posts to make sure that your multi-use development is going to look exactly as you envisioned. You’ll never have to worry that because our decorative street signs and signs posts are great looking that they won’t also been super long lasting and durable. In a space where people are living, eating, working out, and shopping, you’ll want to have the guarantee of knowing that the products you are choosing will be functional and durable-- which ours always are. Whether you are an architect or an engineer, you can rest knowing that with our products, your multi use development will be the hippest in town.

CapStreets for Multi-Use Developements
Molly Kendrick