Street Signs for Schools


School days have returned, which means driving safety should be on your mind more than ever. Adults can do much to improve traffic safety around schools by:

  • Driving cautiously and obeying all traffic laws
  • Limiting distractions
  • Watching for pedestrians

They can also teach their children important safety practices. Kids should:

  • Learn about traffic laws, particularly as they relate to their school campuses and neighborhoods
  • Adopt a defensive approach as both a rider and pedestrian
  • Ride their bikes with the flow of traffic

Safety is just as critical around college campuses. The students may be older and more aware, but the insulated feel of many university campuses can often lull the rushed student into feeling safer than they really are.

Staying safe around schools is critical, and having the right wayfinding and traffic signs makes a big difference. Capital StreetScapes is proud to have furnished decorative sign posts to several educational institutions recently, including the U.S. Coast Guard Academy (Connecticut), Niagara University (New York), Hocking College (Ohio), Ouachita Baptist University (Arkansas) and Heritage School (Georgia). Just as they did, please consider Capital StreetScapes as your source for ornamental traffic signs, wayfinding signs and decorative traffic signs. We offer ornamental sign posts and sign frames that enhance your surroundings and won’t break your budget.